Friday, May 25, 2007

High Coups

Congratulations to all on a very impressive outpouring of creativity. You beat this Asian genre up so badly that I have dubbed your efforts the Enola Gay of haikus.

It goes without saying that this was a difficult decision to make. There were 26 entries not including mine and one late entry that was disqualified (that’s right, I know how hypocritical this is, but the one entry from Monday morning at 7:51 am is not admissible). Too bad too because I like it a lot and this is the only way I can eliminate it without seeming like an uncaring jerk to my son and nephews.

The top 5 in reverse order:

Honorable mention: Clars – Love it. This was great but it suffered in the polls because as I read it Magdalene is the smallest.

Night falls in Brooklyn
Two hundred steps away from
The smallest of us.

5. My obvious appreciation for low brow ethnic humor drove this selection more than anything. If you included the phrase “cihnky blinky” it probably would have garnered the gold.

China has him now
Far away from twenty-four
The chinks are mean, mean

4. storm – this one made me laugh a lot, it was counter cultural and funny and for some reason I feel 0% bad for Lisette.

Enough of babies
You can see where my mind is
Lisette’s a dirtbag!

3. Maureen: Very good! The next week part cracked me up. Great job and great topic.

Wets his underwear
Instead of sitting in the chair
Try again next week

2. WHN – In all seriousness, I thought this was very lovely and well-done. Just not quite good enough.

“Nora and Sean”
Counting backward days
Later suns for longer moons
A daughter awaits

1. The jack/Captain tie in was great. As I am becoming a 24 addict myself, I loved the inclusion (oh that Sherry Palmer makes my blood boil). Clever and cool. Despite all of your earlier doubts, you did a stellar job first try and all. Way to go, kbb.

They are out of town
My boyfriends are both away
I pine for a day

As a reward for the victorious submission, you will be the proud owner of a new Bonzai tree. Delivery date to be determined. I hope you like it. I hear they are very high maintenance so I hope you don’t mind that. Enjoy!

Everyone else is welcome for Sushi at our place anytime.


storminomahoney said...

Well done, Frank. I can't complain about this. I would have liked the gold, but just being mentioned is nice. Although I did comment that Mom wouldn't neccessarily win due to quantity, I suppose it was in her favor.

Nice work Mom, especially since you were so sure you couldn't compose one.

Mars said...

This is bullshit, Frank. I don't get even an honorable mention for my play on words?

And Annie doesn't even get a dishonorable mention for not entering?

Shmalzy said...

Wrote three good Haikus
Not even a bronze medal
Frank is a dirtbag

Frank said...

I'm sorry was this a play on words contest? Was it?

To those of you who thought I treated Mars and shmaltzy unfairly, I will say this. Yes, I did a little and you know why? Because I expect greatness from them, pure and simple. Were they good posts, yeah, very good. But not great. And they both need to be great and not settle for very good.

Take the Karate Kid for instance. Yeah, the Crane Kick worked really nicely when it was tournament time in movie #1. But that was all he ever practiced! In the second film he goes to Okinawa and they ALL know the crane kick. You can't even walk down the street there without getting crane kicked. He got creamed. So he learned how to do that punch thingy and then he was great. Because it wasn't tournament time anymore, it was for REAL and he pushed himself.

When you pour on accolades to those two you're not helping them. You might as well be saying let's see the crane kick. (YAWN).

If that's what you like fine. Start your own contest and make those two tie for first place. You can make it a play on words contest. Those are popular from what I understand.