Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Our Boys in Baltimore


KBB said...

This was really slow going. For that reason, I could only choose a few images at a time to upload. I got a bit confused and added some that weren't my favorites....but now, Nora, you have a lot to choose from.

Let me know when you've done your thing so that I can go back and edit this post with just a few select pictures.

Good luck!

Annie said...

Please don't delete any.

storminomahoney said...

I second that...these are great and should all be seen.


storminomahoney said...
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KBB said...

I can add more if you'd like...

Maureen said...

That CANNOT be Patrick! OMG...they are two of the cutest brothers I have ever seen...and so blond! I miss them!

Mars said...

Patrick is so handsome. Mr. potty reader isn't so bad himself. Good work on the genes, Rus and Cathy.

KBB said...
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