Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Charles Gnarls

Why haven't we done this sooner? Upload your videos to YouTube and post them!

YouTube puts a limit of 100 MB per video, so most likely you'll have to condense them first, like I had to. Here's a link with directions using iMovie on a Mac. How to reduce an video file on a Mac.

And here's one for PCs, though I admit I haven't read through the whole page. How to reduce a video file on a PC.


Anonymous said...

I already watched this 4 times in a row.

KBB said...

What a treat! Especialy for thos2 of us who don't see and HEAR Charles on a regular basis.

He's soooo cute, Mary!

storminomahoney said...

Can't believe he's getting so big...and so eloquent too.

Maureen said...

So much to say!
What a cutie......I miss that age!

Maureen said...

Luke's now quoting you,Mary......."hello bebee"
He's seen this five times already!