Before the winner is announced (I’m still deliberating over three or four entries), there is the not so small matter of judgment for our two non-compliers. Personally, I espouse the philosophy that discipline should be corrective not punitive. It’s not about being tough it’s about tough love. Take Ann for instance. She hasn’t always been the docile, domestic, “keep things to myself and speak when spoken to” type. No sir. That took time, patience and firm resolve. Some of you may remember a time when she was rather willful even (It’s true). But it’s a system that works. So in the spirit of reconciliation and rehabilitation, I have determined an appropriate punishment for Lisette and Chad (WHN).
You will engage in a mano y mano battle to the blog death. Your task is to come up with as many reasons as possible as to why the other person did not enter the contest and tell us what they were doing instead. Post them in the comments section unless you’re moved to create your own post. Ideally I would like this to devolve into a back and forth barrage of name calling.
Bloggers in good favor are also invited to submit your own entries and help these two poor lost souls along. Let’s break them down to build them back up.
I don’t want to insult the rest of the group but I am afraid I have to give a deadline for THIS too. I know this won’t be a problem as the both of them will be anxious to make amends. Do it by Thursday midnight and make them good. Don’t think you’ll fly under the radar on this. Unless…do you feel lucky? Well, do you, punks?
I was working doubles to get my second star at the Barrel. It's right off the Intersate.
I was darning my socks. WHN.
I was memorizing my lines to "Roadhouse" with my wife. WHN.
Sorry! I feel asleep under the tanning lights. Zetty.
What the heck does WHN mean?
Are you asking us to expose marital secrets? Ask What's His Name.
Sorry, I was busy making fun of transexuals while on tour with my air band. I play bass. Smelly.
I had a farm in Africa. LRB
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait.. i have a few problems with this assignment:
1) why are chad and i pinned against each other? frankie, you manipulative little twerp.
2) what has this become, and open forum to make fun of the both of us?
3) chad - how in the heck do you know that "I had a farm in Africa" is an inside joke i have with my college friends? are you in the CIA?
"Now son, I've told you not to listen to the boys at school. It's perfectly healthy not to ever, ever, EVER wear socks. And that odor coming from your shoes? Never you mind that - a real man doesn't mind a little foot sweat here and there."
Life Lesson #354 for Charles, age 7
By the way Mary, what does BTW mean?
Hey hey HEY, we're supposed to be making fun of Chas and Lisette here.
Everybody else was doing it. -- Lisette
Everybody else was doing it. -- WHN
Wow. Good job, folks. Now isn't that better?!
Chad you definitely beat Lisette down on this although you didn't do too badly Lisette.
You are both off the hook.
Oh and Lisette, I've always thought dork was closer to true than twerp.
Thank you for the reprieve. And yes, you're more dork than twerp.
I'm glad I didn't have to resort to, "I was depressed. It's 180 days until Christmas is over." And if I told you how I knew about your inside joke, I'd have to, well, you know what the CIA does in that situation.
CIA is an acronym for Central Intelligence Agency - sorry, but it's too easy to make fun of your TM. Love you.
That company should really trademark their abbreviation. Everyone else will start to use it.
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