Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sign of the Apocalypse

Please review this link. I did a double take to make sure it wasn't a humor or satire piece. I believe it's real.

If anyone has a comment, I'd be surprised. This one left me speechless. I did laugh a little bit too. But then I felt guilty.


Anonymous said...

Why not call him ForReal? Or perhaps, FourReal. I mean where's the controversy here, simple solutions.

Mars said...

Posted at 9:16 a.m.

So this is what an HR exec stumbles upon while doing his Thursday morning what, research? Human name resources on the internet?

Frank said...

Ouch! Mars Attacks!

True I saw this at work and yes hardly work related however I should note that at least I am at work at 9:15 am. And I am not an exec I am more of an assoc.

Mars said...

You don't think it's work to get up every weekday and be the only adult at home to, by 9:16 a.m., be watching Dawson's Creek reruns?

Well, it's not.

Frank said...

The early stuff is better. I guess in my mind Joey and Dawson will always be together.

KBB said...

I prefer Jack.