Friday, July 13, 2007

Caption Contest

I'm giving you 2 angles to work with. Jimmy, I believe you are supposed to judge this one. The deadline will be 7/20.


The Captain said...

"OK, Mother, can we stop the ballet practice so I can get some sleep?"

Frank said...

Hold on. What is that wi on my forearm? Yummy.

Mars said...

Oh my GOD, all these photographs. Is Paris out of jail yet?

The Captain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Frank said...

erratum: in my earlier post, 'wi' should read 'wine'

So that - "Hold on. What is that wine on my forearm? Yummy.

Sorry - anticlimactic, I know.

KBB said...

Drama and munchies; life is good!

(Dad just alerted me to the fact that my comments have come under his "captain" name. Sometimes this happens when I view the blog and haven't been asked to sign in. I'll be "alerted" to this from now on.

Maureen said...

1)P.U...change me already!!

Maureen said...

Mom, please brush your teeth before you kiss me yet this morning! I don't love ALL your smells...

Anonymous said...

Kill the lights, Poppy, it's not even 9am. I am sick of picking up sticks every time is spend a weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, it should read "every time I spend the weekend."

What's His Name said...

Sorry K.B., but kissing practice is so much better with my arm. Woof!