When I hear "Flashdance...What a Feeling," would I prefer to be able to sing that song like Irene Cara, or dance the dance like Jennifer Beals? And why?
I'm SURE I'm not the only one who's struggled with this. I only hope Lisette at least has found the peace I have yet to find.

My gut says dance, but that may be in relation to the song itself. Otherwise, sing. Mos def.
It's definitely supposed to be in relation to THIS particular song.
It's this song that's such a quandry for me.
It's got to be the dance. To be able to move like that, and that fast... what a feeling. I could really have it all.
P.S. not to make you jealous, Annie, but Catherine knows how to do this dance. She was doing it as far back as the old hair flip she and I discovered—and mastered—for that perfect feather, anytime, anywhere. Ready to take my picture? Hold on... Okay, ready.
Or right there in the middle of Scitico, while hunting down crackers and cheese. Or better yet! those little round gouda cheeses. (You remember those, Annie, with the little wax treats).
Mom would castigate us because flipping our hair in front of the cold cuts counter was apparently disgusting. But the result of the flip was... over the top perfect hair. Even if it only lasted an aisle (or two if you walked pretty slowly and didn't move your head much).
I imagine Catherine still agrees that hair was worth the slight maintanance-caused headache. Especially since she also flash-danced wherever, whenever. Which doesn't tickle. Have you even even tried it?
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