Monday, August 13, 2007

A Bride-to-be...

Martha is engaged!


storminomahoney said...

Congratulations!! That's so exciting!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news!

But if your uncle, does that make Chad aunt? And we thought Chad A and Chad B was confusing...

Maureen said...

So thrilled! Another Brewster wedding....can't wait to hear the details and help with it.

Annie said...

Where was my phone call???


Frank said...

You knew this morning and you didn't tell me? Really nice.

Congratulations to both! What a wonderful thing to read this morning because as I mentioned someone could have told me and didn't so I had to read it to find out.

What happy news!

Mars said...


It's going to be a big beautiful puhpul wedding!

Welcome to the family, Chad B. We need some good Italian blood.

Martha, my cell phone is at home with the babysitter, and I'm just positive there's a personal message on there from you. I'm just sure of it.

Frank said...

What the hell?

storminomahoney said...

I guess she likes me more than you punks. I got a text before reading it on the blog last night.

Mars said...

Like I said, my cell phone is at home. And I haven't checked it since like 6 last night. So I really can't enter into this conversation without seeing my phone first. Because I'm just sure there's a voice mail on there for me.

Sorry Frank. Too low?

Frank said...

No, actually I quite liked it and laughed a lot.

But I talked to Luca and he didn't know what to think. From the sounds of it, he's 50 percent insulted and 50 percent all kinds of other things.

Anonymous said...


I left a message for Mary AND Annie.

Check you phones, fools!

If I wasn't SOO happy, I would be annoyed. Alas, I am SOO happy! ;)

Mars said...

I told you all.

Shmalzy said...


Also, I literally laughed out loud at Frank's "What the hell?" which is mildly impressive because I've only been awake for about 15 minutes. Yes, I slept in enormously today. Eat your hearts out, young parents.