Chapter 1
Hi. My name is Aloise Brewster. And in this story, I'm going to tell you a bit about myself. First, I'll tell you about my birth. I was born on August 11, 1987, at about 4:00 p.m., at Wesson Women's Hospital, Springfield, Mass. My parents wanted a surprise, and didn't know I would form as a girl. I was born with a cord around my neck. The Dr. had to stop the birth and remove the cord from my neck. If he hadn't done that, I would have strangled. My Mom said that the first thing she noticed about me was my long feet. My name, Aloise, was decided by my Mom. I was named after my Aunt Aloise, Great Aunt Aloise, and my mother's Grandmother. I was born being the tenth child, and the eighth girl. Well, this was a bit about my birth.
Chapter 2
Now I told you I would tell you about my life, and I am. But I'm going to take it a step at a time. I've already told you about my birth. Now I'm going to move on. In this chapter, I'm going to tell you about me when I was 1-3. Let's take this blow by blow. When I was one, I fell down the stairs and broke my arm. But the funny things is, is when that happened, I wasn't Aloise. I was Jimmy. The reason I was called Jimmy at that age was because my parents' friend had a little boy who's name was Jimmy, and he had curly blonde hair - just like me. And I really thought I was Jimmy! Once I even said, "Me Jimmy! Aloise go bey bey!" About two years after I was born, my Dad stayed home and owned an art gallery and I would go there and drink milk. Also, when I was 2 my brother Brent was born. My Mother thought I was funny because every time she hummed Rock-a-By-Baby to me, I would cry because I knew I had to take a nap. My Mom told me that I LOVED to dance. I used to run from one couch to another, throwing myself on them. To me, bottles were dobe-dobes. " I want my dobe-dobe!" I would say. I didn't go to pre-school, but before I went to kidergarten, I didn't think I was a real person. I thought that if you didn't go to school, you weren't a real person. I always have and always will LOVE corn on the cob. That was my favorite food. I started talking and walking by the age of 1. My brother, Cyrus Brewster, is my Godfather and he always, and still does, get me special presents. This is the end of the chapter, but there is more on the next page - chapter 3. I hope you have been enjoying the story so far!
Chapter 3
Moving on, in this chapter I'm going to tell you about my life ages 4-6. When I was 4, my Mom said that nothing much really happened. But when I was 5, a lot of things happened. I went to kindergarten in Sommersville, Ct. I had Mrs. Arthur for a teacher. I was also friends with Chris H. who went to school with me. I took the afternoon class. Before school every day I would either go to the park or the library with my Mom and brother, or go to my friend Ursula's house.
When I was 6 years old I went to St. Adalbert's School for Gr.1. When I was that age, my brother Cyrus went to sea and my sister Clare went to college. I also went to see my father at the ship in Groton, Ct. Well, that's really all for now, but more in the next chapter.
Chapter 4
Now I'm ages 7-9. When I was 7 and 8, these are the things that happened in my family:
Maureen got married,
my nephew Andrew was born,
Ann went to college,
Clare took a year off from college,
Cy came back for a while,
and Mary went to college.
Now I am 9 and in fourth Gr. and I am an aunt of a 1-year-old. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it.
I remember reading this! So cute Aloise. Mom, where did you find this?
I had this in my photo box. I have others - there and in other places. At some point I will post them. They're too cute!
%&*#*& hillarious.
I want to take a moment to thank Aloise for walking us through her first nine years "blow by blow". What a riot.
Well this isn't at all embarrassing...
Aloise, what ever happened to Chris H. Huh?
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