Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Me propose good book

Just when I thought the only quality item this organization was capable of being a part of was diapers, Sesame Street published an excellent work that the whole family will enjoy.

"Me Love Cookies", one in their Story Reader series, is a day in the life (kbb, think 24!) of Cookie Monster, cookies and other yummy foods. The narative is fun with sounds and words your children will love to repeat and has a sense of humor that gives a nod and a wink to the parent reading the book.

The skilled writing makes the book. Consider the pronoun nightmare involved in writing a scene between Cookie and Elmo - you may as well throw out your copy of Warriner's English Grammar. In the end, it's the children who are the most important critics. Luca, after only one read, was at his water table saying Me Love Cookies Me Love Cookies (seriously).

Not too shabby.

"Me Love Cookies" was illusrated by Tom Leigh and the accompanying music was composed by Paul Heitsch. It is a publications international, ltd. book. All rights reserved.

And of course, Mary, please add to the good books area.


Mars said...

Thanks, Franks. Does Luca say "Me love cookies" in Cookie's voice?

Annie said...

No, he breaks it down: Me (repeat after him: me) Love (love) Cookies (cookies)

Unless, does the evil asthmatic voice count...?

No patronizing, it really is a cute book. I actually laughed out loud at "perchance..... oh cookie, come to Cookie!"

For those of you who don't know (that's all of you), this publication was authored by a certain BURI!!!

KBB said...

Mary?? Did you really "author" this book? Hey, I have bragging rights to consider; a parent's perrogative and all of that.

KBB said...

Says Jack:
Between 24's, I'll race down to my local boookstore and buy a copy.
It'll be refreshing ( and relaxing, no doubt) to experience a fun, lighthearted day.

You think Sesame Street might be interested in an "edited" version on one of my 24's? Maybe a comic book edition?

You're the talent, Mars. Can you clean up this act and lead me to a new career?

Anonymous said...

Mary- you wrote it? How cool!

Mars said...

Yes, 4 years ago. Man, I should have started bragging a while ago.

Frank said...

Stale cookies? I had no idea.

Maureen said...

I can't wait to buy this for Luke! Annie was telling Nora and I on our walk all about it. I'm so proud of you!

Mars said...

You're so sweet, Maureen. Thanks. You'll not likely find it in the bookstore since it came out in 04. But lucky ducky you, I have extra samples!

Anonymous said...

I would very much like a copy if you have one to spare. I would love for Maggie to be entertained by you.

Lisette said...

MARY: Lita and Aunt Norma would like a copy of your "Cookie" book. Me, too!
Do you have enough to send around?

I'd also like to send one to Aunt Charlotte for Amari.

KBB said...

Lisette didn't write that last comment...I did.

When L uses the Blogsite, I always have to check to make sure she's signed off.


Mars said...

The interest in getting copies of Me Love Cookies is exciting. Finally, people are starting to want to read something other that those Mr. Potter books. I try to do my part. But I only have 5 copies I think (inc. one promised to Maureen), so you shall all fight for my favor in order to get one. Or I can see if I can scrounge up a few more...

KBB said...

I love you in the moon, Mary. I bore you in my womb for 9 months and delivered you into the light after an especially excruciating labor.

Now...does that qualify me for a copy of your book???