Monday, August 20, 2007

Poll: Pet Peeves

I hate people who sing to themselves as they walk down the street. I don't care if they have a nice voice or not. It makes me want to slap them silent.

Do, all, please share your own pet peeves.


Anonymous said...

OMG, Mars. At almost EXACTLY the same time that you posted this(okay, closer to 5:30 than 6:30) I was thinking about a pet peeve and how I should post it on the blog. I am NOT kidding (as should be deduced by the capitol letters.)

Seriously, OMG.

Will post the pet peeve that induced this thought soon.

Anonymous said...

Okay, my pet peeve is the de facto truth our society tends to derive from opinion polls. NPR reported that 77% of Americans believe the planet is warning and suggested by their tone that this makes global warming an undeniable fact.

Did you also know that 60% of Americans didn't believe that Sudan is a country? Must mean it isn't. Or that 80% of Russians supported Stalin as he directed the mass murder of 20-30 million people in his country? Or that 78% of people believe that Michael Jackson is actually a man? I mean, really.

Okay, so I am skewing the data, but you get my point. Last time I looked, public opinion allowed for Hitler and yelled "Barabas".

KBB said...

I agree: public opinion polls are are for weenies and non-thinkers.

I posted many months ago that I go ballistic when I hear, "We're pregnant". I still can't get past that one.

And then there are the "heroes" among us; you know what I'm talking about. Everybody is a "hero" today...and mostly for doing what anybody would or should naturally do. Consequently, authentic heroic acts are rarely recognized as such.

storminomahoney said...

I hate it when people say they want to drink some's espresso, people. Say it with me.

Anonymous said...

I hate it a lot when anybody tells me or anyone else to relax. Like who the hell are you? And by the way, now that you told me to relax, I am not relaxed, oh, and also, I want to slit your throat.

I also hate when people say "Supposebly," "woof" for wolf, and "liberry." Like seriously?, get a clue.

Hmm, and... I really don't like it when people use headphones at places like the grocery store. Well, this one makes me more sad than anything.

Oh! And "jam" concerts? Hate those a lot.

Mars said...

This is cathartic. Is this how good the cleanse feels?

Shmalzy said...

I really hate it when people use selective capitalization in sentences. For example: "I know that i can use correct grammar but I just don't feel it." I can't really explain this one, maybe it's just the English major in me.

I second Martha's "supposebly" one and add on that I hate when people say "anyways" instead of "anyway," almost as much as I HATE when people say "on accident." That doesn't even make sense, dipshit, think about what you're saying.

Finally, I hate when people walk really slowly. If you're not old or crippled, you have no excuse. And if you're going to walk slowly, at least walk in a straight line so that I can pass you in a huff. Otherwise, don't be surprised when I've punched you in the back of the head.

Am I apathetic?

Mars said...

Chad says anyways. Ha ha, Chad.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? Chad B says "Woof."


Annie said...

Crying laughing over here.

Annie said...

I don't even know where to begin w/my list of peeves. I'm sure this shocks many of you.

1. "Irregardless." Stop trying to sound smart. Say "regardless" or, better, "anyway." Sans s.

2. "Agreeing to disagree." How utterly boring. Find your balls.

3. People emphatic about being "spiritual" and not religious. (now I have to wipe the barf off my computer.) Go masterbate in the woods why don't you. Same thing in my book. Get over your urges, and have some respect for authority and tradition, or have you been capable of discovering EVERYTHING in your short lifetime?

4. "Well, that's your opinion." No shit, that's why I said it. I have another opinion: you're a moron.

5. Sophie as a first name for little girls. Please, let's all get over it. It was pretty, now it's the name of a 5 year old that I met yesterday at the library, whom I hated almost solely because her name was Sophie. The other reason was tht her little sisters name was Lola. And that she was a know-it-all who didn't even know that DAYCARE is not SCHOOL. How......... cute.

6. "Have a good one." (Mom, this ones for you!) Have a good WHAT? Does it take that much effort to crane your neck and find out it's AFTERNOON still and not night? Is the risk that high that you have to be so utterly generic and meaningless?

7. Raised ranches. If I need to explain, get off this blog.

8. Unremitting sniffing. Please, blow it.

9. Celebrities teaching me life lessons.

KBB said...

Yeah, the celebrities! I was going to add that last night. Man; you're famous for acting and now you have to act out by writing books and offering life-lessons. Go break a leg.

"irregardless"; heard that for the first itme in a LONG time on Sopranos the other day. Like fingernails on a chalkboard!

(and Annie; yes, "got" the "have a nice one" ha ha. SO, if I'm cleansing, maybe a nice BM?

"Awesome!" I HATE "awesome"! Awe is a beautiful word; now it's been relaced by "awesome" which, in today's lexicon just means "wow"... (lower case). Maybe.

Exposed belly-buttons.

Pants below underwear ( Brent!)

Pierced faces.

Check-out people who, while you are checking out, need to tell their co-workers how tired they are and how much longer they have yet to work; get ANOTHER job! for crying out loud.

Dog hair.



Ann Coutlier.

Mars said...

When the same people tell you the same things over and over again. And you know it's because they've told so many people that they can't keep track. So really, just stop talking so much.

Mars said...

Man, I wish Dad could contribute to this one.

Annie said...

Can Dad get email at all right now?

Anonymous said...

And when it's raing just enough, but not enough, so that you don't know what setting to put your windshield wipers on. So you have to keep manualing doing it. I mean what a BORE.

Mars said...

And when it's raining just enough to ruin the good work you put in with the blow dryer minutes before.

storminomahoney said...

Martha, that rain thing pisses me off all the time!

People who talk on bluetooth phones or other headsets when they aren't doing anything else with their hands. If your not driving or carrying tons of files or in my case, a baby, then use a regular cell phone! Your hands are not that special.

Nancy Grace...ugghh

Dogs dressed like people.

The fact that my husband actually has to cook for dogs and cats at the freakin' Four Seasons! Seriously.

KBB said...

And then there's this; perhaps my biggest pet peeve:

"He was a boy that played sports"

"She's a woman that likes children"

And so on.

What's wrong with these statements? I go CRAZY when I read things like this.


"He was a boy WHO played sports"

"She's a woman WHO likes children"

KBB said...

Yes, Dad can get email ALL the time:

Also, he borrowed one of those laptop cards and was able to check Brewsters Millions the other day!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "laptop" card? A wireless card? Is this something we can get for him to take with him when he sails? For his birthday?

storminomahoney said...

Yes, let's. He should not be kept out of the loop.

KBB said...

A laptop for Dad? ABSOLUTELY! It's what he wants more than anything else...for when he's out at sea. He wants a MAC, like Mary's MAC. Birthday and Christmas anyone?

KBB said...

I say "woof".

"Woof, Martha!

Anonymous said...

No. You say "woof" as in "Woof, Lisette taught me this gross knee jerk reaction saying when something I don't totally like happens." Ans yes, this is a pretty crappy thing to say too. BUT, not as crappy as, "OMG- I heard the howling of what must have only been a woof outside last night!"


storminomahoney said...

By the way, thanks a lot Lisette. Because of you, many of us say "woof" when we don't even want to. We say it and think, "Woof, I hate that I just said woof!"

Maureen said...

Just checked this out today, agree with everyone's list so far.

I absolutely hate the phrase "It is what it is"! What the ---- does this really mean??? That you don't have anything intelligent to say?

Loath 'anyways','SupposeBly', all those things lazy,stupid people say.

I can't stand hearing the word 'surreal' on TV, ALL THE TIME!
or journey. Shut up Paula Abdul on A IDOL (maybe I shouldn't watch this show)....Jimmy REALLY hates this word,too.

Agree with the rain thing,Martha.

(this feels great)

Major pet peeve with those who look down on big families in "this day and age". Yeah, my three kids are too much, the planet's over-populated, never have the dream house or five million vacations a year, stupid,jugdy people!!!!!
people who think everybody's business, personal, financial, or otherwise, should mind there beeswax and shove it up there ol' wazoo!!!!!!

Whooo......I feel better!

Shmalzy said...

I really hate it when someone is standing in your way and you kindly hint that you need them to move, but do they move? No, they remain firmly planted in their spot. For example, when you need to get a knife out of the drawer and someone is standing in front of it, and you make to open the drawer and they just stand there. I mean, I understand I could have said "Excuse me," but it's not like you're freaking DOING anything, just MOVE. People like this take up too much space.

I also hate when people feel the need to narrate everything. Like whilst perusing a photo album, I have EYES, thank you, I don't need you over my shoulder saying, "That's me at the beach. That's me and so and so at the park. That's my house. That's me in my car." OBVIOUSLY.

I hate when people really overuse words. I know a girl who says "legitimately" at least 5 times in every story she tells. Gag me.

Amen to the windshield thing.

And thank you, Maureen. Does everyone ELSE get one or all of the following questions after telling someone they're one of eleven:
-"Are you Mormon? No? Catholic, then."
-"ALL from the same parents!?!"
-"Any twins?"
-"Anyone gay?"
-"What does your dad do?"

No. Yes. Yes. No. No. Why do YOU care? Get a life.

Annie said...

The statement: "I burst out laughing."

Martha said...

Totally Annie. Totally.