Except for the good work of The Captain, August is shaping up to be a pathetic show of posts. I'd say, "Hurry before Frank throws a slumping graph in our faces!", but when's the last time we hear from him? Frankly, I'm worried.
Have you all decided to embrace your European roots and take the month of August off? I have no patience for siestas. It's not like any of you need to unbuckle your pants from too much blogging.
We're Americans! My people, let's go.
You're absolutely right,Mary. I've been at least hoping there would be some wedding pictures up here(I forgot my camera)not that Cy and Cathy check the site at all!
I haven't had creative juices, just craziness at home with the boys. My appologies.
I still CHECK the site everyday in hopes of something new..anybody?
I too agree. My excuse is the baby. I've been to busy to try to be creative, and I figured there were enough pictures of Magdalene on this site for now, and that was the easiest way to go if I were to post something.
Love has been busy this summer. It has also been negligent.
We musn't take brewsters millions for granted.
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