Thursday, September 27, 2007


As some of you know, Jim and I want to celebrate our "LUCKY 13TH" wedding anniv. this year. We want you to save Dec 8 if that works for all. I don't want any of my siblings not there, and Dad will still be home as well.
My original plan was to go all "out" and have a formal affair(who doesn't love dressing up,right?) at the Somers Inn, our reception site. But way too expensive. So.......Mom gratiously offered her abode for the occassion, sweetheart that she is. I will be able to have most of it catered now, and Mom's xmas decorations generally speak for themselves.

Can I still ask for formal attire? Can you all make this date?

I'm asking my friend(behind Jim's back)to make a slide show to music of our years together so far. And I'm inviting about 8 couples besides you all.
Do you think this sounds fun? I'll gladly take any input from you all, cuz I love ya so much:)


Annie said...

Moj - we were talking about doing this as a surprise for your 10th; then b/c we were all pregitas in '04, we thought maybe for your 11th. Then Luca came on the scene, sort of stole the thunder for '05 in my house.

So, I know I can speak for all (especially Cy, Cathy, Brent and Catherine who suck) when I say: It's a FABULOUS idea!!!!!

Frank said...

and me.

Annie said...

However. It is a sad statement that you can safely advertize a surprise for Jim on the blog!

Where are these yahoos who don't blog anyway?

Anonymous said...

I already have the date logged in the old calendar!

And yes, yes, yes to the dressing up. There is close to nothing better than dressing up.

Need any help catering? Hint hint... I am serious though.

Mars said...

Maureen, this is so exciting! We're there dressed to the nines.

But no more yellow text, okay? I almost went blind trying to read it.

KBB said...

Maureen: could you edit the text (I echo Mary's remark) because I AM going blind trying to read it. In fact, I can't. And I want to read it because I'm really excited about this celebration!

Maureen said...

Ew..I got blind with the yellow, is better.
Yes, pathetic that if I don't direct Jim to this site, he rarely sees it.
Sooooo, sounds like so far it's a go, and I really am so excited!!
Martha, I know you knew about this earlier, and will let you help(gladly)as we get closer.
Formal attire it is then.
Music?....was thinking classic and classical xmas music, 30's and 40's, all mixed up. Not sit down, but incorporate the Dining room as a focal point somehow rearranging furniture so not so crowded all the time in the kitchen.
(Need Cy and his family to make it, cross your fingers, not the same w/o him)

Maureen said...

When I said 30s and 40s, meant Frank Sinatra, Nat K Cole, and the like. Not xmas music from that era!!!

Lisette said...

#1 i'm thur
#2 you all are wienees. i highlighted the text and was able to read the "blinding" yellow like a dream.
#3 can i make the cake? and can i make it reaaaally big?

Maureen said...

Yes Yes Yes!!!


Shmalzy said...

Maureen, I'm glad you're going through with this idea!! I remember us talking a lot about it on the way to Cy and Cathy's wedding. I'm down like a clown. My only hiccup is I'm not sure how much I'll be able to contribute in terms of shopping that week and what not, as the following week I have finals and I'll be studying my arse off. But that I can better figure out when I get my exam schedule and what not. But I love this idea!

storminomahoney said...

I sooooo want to be there. Sean will ask off, and if he's lucky, he'l get it. If not, then I'm not sure I can go. We only have one car, and I'm already planning on paying for a train for Christmas and can't really afford two trips on the train.

Fingers crossed.

storminomahoney said...

The other option is to go to your party with or without Sean since it's a one time thing and so speacial, and also to get Christmas with Sean in NJ (since he definitely won't be coming up then)so that even though Maggie won't know it, we can have our first Christmas together as a family. Whew, what a run-on sentence!

I'll have to think this over.

Anonymous said...

Mojo I am there like white on rice. Like really, really well-dressed white on rice.

GREAT idea and so much fun!!!

Maureen said...

Nora.....don't feel bad at all if you guys can't make it,ok?
(Never speak to you again if you don't show)
Clare! So glad, and thought I should let you know I'm stealing your new haircut tomorrow....Mary says you look fantastic! Been debating that very cut for 2 mos.

I want to let you all know it makes me so proud that you think this is as fun and special as we do. I LOVE MY FAMILY SO F------ MUCH! (sorry,mom)

Annie said...

I call Nora's bridesmaid dress, altered to tea length.

Maureen said...

I call YOUR dress,Annie, as is!