Monday, September 17, 2007

Kris Kringle

Can we pick names ASAP?

I don't want to do any shopping after Thanksgiving this year. Anyone with me?

Mom, can you facilitate by, um, maybe possibly, picking the names and letting us know?


Anonymous said...

The funny thing is, remember last year we were all, "let's do it Christmas night for next year..." I guess times goes by pretty fast.

Question: Is Chad in yet? I just don't want to forget to add his name if he is.

KBB said...

I'm soooo glad you brought this to my attention.....been meaning to send out the same request.

If y'all are OK with me picking names, I'll be happy to do this. And, of course Chad II is on the list.

How Fun!!

PS If I don't hear any "nays" by the end of the week, then I'll send out the "picks" by Sunday.

storminomahoney said...

I second that motion. The more time we have to choose the better. And please, let's pick names for next year this Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Great idear.

Annie said...


I'm really looking forward to CHristmas next year.

Speaking of, maybe an Advent party would be nice, since Dad won't be home for Christmas? I don't picture a Christmas party, b/c it's not Christmas yet, and I can't yet envision what an Advent party is...

But I'm sure we can come up with something.

Maureen said...

Love this idea... Mom, Will and Andrew can help if you want.
Ann,even though I start early for my shopping,I love taking a day during Dec to shop because that's when there's the best sales going on. So either come with, or let me watch Luca for you and Frank so you two can take a day together.
Sound good?
OOOOHH... getting the xmas feeling already!!

Mars said...

Can I vote that if we get our spouses, there's a re-pick?

Frank said...

Count me in only make sure I get a "good one."

storminomahoney said...

Of course, Mary. It would be silly to get our spouses...who wants to get them anything?

Anonymous said...

Mom, if I get Frank, feel free to pull a little switcharoo if you know what I mean.

But keep it all very hush hush.

A good one. A real asshole you've got there Annie.

KBB said...

So it's a "go" so far.

Is it kosher to ask if any of you have any preferences this year, as in, have you seen something or thought of something that you'd like to get a specific person?

Best to get these things figured out now before I start drawing names. (And yes, Maureen, Andrew and Will can certainly help).

As to an Advent party for Dad...Maureen, are you still having your 13th and having it here? You talked about scaling it I'm assuming it's still a plan. If so, that would be just before Dad leaves. And, if so, how easy/difficult will it be for out-of-towners to come for 2 parties?

Frank said...

Obviously, ChadMart, you have now moved permanently off the “good ones’ list and even made my own personal enemies list which is quite a feat since it’s not a long at all. You join Rosie O’ Donnell, Whoopie Goldberg, Jared from Subway, Evie W. (for reasons that I have long since forgotten but I’m sure they are justifiable), the creators of Teletubbies and the Barefoot Contessa. Good luck hangin out with that group.

As for my gift preferences this year, the lucky recipient of my name needs to realize that I’m a simple man but fickle. I’m not one to flaunt expensive clothing but like to look nice nonetheless. It’s probably best to stay away from clothes altogether but if you must I am in need of a good pair of warm slippers and preferably the kind with the harder soles. No LB Evans, please. If you take the gift card way out, Borders or Showcase Cinemas is best as I enjoy a good book as much as I enjoy any movie really, good or bad. For DVDs, comedies involving former SNL stars are a safe bet or any of those 1950s epics that are 60 hours long and depict the Roman Empire. But here again any movie will do. My taste in music is a scandalous atrocity. I am forcing myself to gain some credibility in this area so anything Jazz would be welcome and helpful. If you’re looking for something offbeat, why not try a wine gift basket or exotic fruit of the month club membership? Happy Hunting.

And is it so hard to figure out how to login and post under your own profile? Amateur.

Mars said...

Frank, did Chad and I ever tell you that, while driving through East Hampton this summer, we saw Ina and Jeffrey in the flesh, just strolling down the street? And she was wearing a button-down jean shirt!!! It was amazing.

And, listen, I want slippers like that, too!

Chad and I are considering a no-shoes-in-the-house policy, now that the wee one is crawling (that's right!). An effort to avoid the embarrassing dirty knees and tops of socks. Much easier than making sure the floors are actually clean.

Frank said...

How perfectly contrived, like every other aspect of this phony scumbag.

Actually you did tell me and if you remember it rekindled a fiery, crusty hatred in my stomach covered over with a creamy bile - not unlike overcooked Veal Chops with Roquefort Butter Sauce.

I support your policy but be careful! You're going to get into this whole hierarchy of friends thing whereby some have their own personalized slippers and others use the public ones or worse be stuck staring at their socks while Clare is there, feet up, resting in toasty comfort. It's a problem in Japan all the time.

Annie said...

I've got the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on.

And Mars, I support your slipper policy. I am going to get a few pairs for guests. Is that gross? I mean, if you don't wear socks normally, you have to bring your own. Like trying on bathing suits. So that should keep them fresh enough, no?

Annie said...

And Frank, I think we clearly have enough drunk exotic fruit around here...

Anonymous said...

You promised you wouldn't call me that anymore.

storminomahoney said...

Mom, I don't think it would be a big deal if one or two people request someone. Sometimes you just have the perfect gift in mind.

Mars said...

Frank, how did you do that?

Frank said...

First, I just imagined that I was Martha and I was lazy.

Then, instead of logging in, I clicked other under choose an identiy and wrote in the name.

Anonymous said...

You pretentious lug.

Anonymous said...

And NO you cannot PICK your person! What the *%$@ are you all thinking. Kris Kringle, you'all. Get with it.

...Am I totally wrong here?

And Maureen, when is the party?

KBB said...

UGH! The dirty knees and top of socks on wee crawlers...a veritable plague that escapes no parent ( or wee crawler). So, yes, a no-shoe policy is definitely in order. Which, in my case, is never a problem, as you all so very well know.

And did it escape everyone that CHARLES IS CRAWLING?? Where's the video?

KBB said...

Very clever, the no-image-logging.
Now, if someone could PLEASE help my with my image-logo! I still can't get it to post.

KBB said...

I understand the out-cry re-picking your own Krissy. But, now and then it does happen that one or another of you has seen or thought of "the gift" for "the person".

Rules are meant to be broken (just ask this rebel chic) but the deal-breaker is discretion, lots of talent (just ask this rebel chick again) and persuasion.

As the official "name picker", I'll take all requests into account...and discretely decide.

Annie said...

Important Question: Do I win something for posting the post that receives the most comments?

Shmalzy said...

(A) Annie, I like your labels.
(B) Frank, Lisette calls her "Fatass" Contessa. Not very nice, but you might get a chuckle out of it. As for myself I abhor that God-forsaken woman with the most prominent suuuthern acc-aint who always cooks those unnecessarily sweet deserts that she finds "beautiful." Anyone else know who I'm talking about? At least Contessa has a nice voice (in my opinion).
(C) I'm glad we're finally picking names. I agree that we shouldn't be able to choose though. Sorry Storm.
(D) Mom, do you purposely separate multi-subjected comments in different boxes? Perhaps my bulletted format would fit your fancy.
(E) I'm drinking an energy drink and publishing this superfluous response to avoid doing my Shakespeare homework.
(F) Go Charles Go!!

KBB said...

UNO) I can bullet with the best of you; just decided to seperate my issues this time around.

DOS) that godforsaken southern woman's name also escapes me at the moment ( I wish she would escape this earth altogether)Oh yeah, her name is Paula Dean.

TRES) Aloise, the rah-rah girls have had me wanting to post something all day....but this should be your post.
And perhaps you could post it after you have another energy drink. You know, so as to get into the "OOOOH! We're sooo great and we always have soooo much fun!"

CUATRO) Sic 'em Charlie!

Maureen said...

You go Charles!!

First Jodie Foster pic just went away by itself one day, and I don't know how...

Second, I'm not sure about the anniv party yet,Martha...but I hope so...was thinking Dec 8th.

And surprise, surprise, I don't think you should pick spec names EITHER.......totally defeats the purpose!

Aloise, bet you hate how Paula Dean ends her show,huh? It makes Andrew cringe! "From Ma house, to yurz!"

BTW...what happened to the caption contest??????????

Mars said...

I call her Fatass Contessa too!

KBB said...

I was wondering when someone was going to notice that I hadn't picked a winner for either contest, ha ha.

Well, seems I better get on this. When I posted the Contests, I hadn't realized the huge responsability for picking a winner. It's an anxiety pusher...I have night sweats over heart palpitates no end ( or is that after I've watched the latest episode of Prison Break)...the rooftops are caving in and I want to find Jack so that he can offer me a secure hiding place but he's off on another CTU mission and I'm left to cry, "WHY DID I DO THIS!!!)

Annie said...

So... Do I win something for this post or not?

Annie said...

As for requesting names, that should be officially not allowed and unofficially permitted.

Maureen said...

I guess you win for most comments EVER!!!!!!
So here's another one.......