My roommate and I were researching and brainstorming for ideas for Halloween this year, and we ask you to share any gems with us. Current possibilites are:
-Cyndi Lauper
-the Chaquita Banana chick
-Kelly Kapowski (from "Saved by the Bell")
-Andy from "The Goonies"
-any given Candy Land character
-if all 4 of us are together: the four seasons
Are these boring? Please do let me know your thoughts.
gag me. 4 seasons? more like BORE seasons. and save by the bell is done by at least one group of people every year at college. sorry for being such a negative nancy, but you need to try for originality. also, what happened to being scary? for example: i'm being eileen wournous. you may remember her from charlize theron's oscar-winning performace of the first female serial killer. evie's being selby, her lesbian lover. does that help at all?
First : it's Chiquita not Chaquita.
Second: I burst out laughing at eileen wournous - yuk! She's perfect, though.
As to the rest of it - as in ideas - I'll try to come up with some but I doubt I can beat Lisette's suggestions becasue, indeed, what has happened to Halloween being scary??
While this idea isn't scary - it is closer to Halloween ( as in suspenseful, althoug a bit of a stretch) : if it's
the 4 of you, how about characters from CLUE?
Designing Women
Facts of Life girls
Golden Girls
The Bangles
You can be four different looks of Madonna
you can each dress up as Caricatures of each other in their clothes, etc.
or you can be Wilson Phillips and two of you can dress together in one outfit as Carney Wilson - now that's scary.
Aloise, I think the Candy Land idea rocks. Of course (though you already know this) it'd be better to avoid being Lolly for, say, Gloppy. Or, if you want to really do it right, Plumpy, who has been removed from the most recent version of the game, no doubt due to the child obesity epidemic in our country.
Lisette, that's the best duo I've heard of in a long time. It really helps that it's Evie being Selby.
GROSS,Lisette!!!!!! But great idea!
I also love the candyland idea, but Frank's ideas are sweet for foursomes.
How about Britney, Paris, Hillary, and Lindsey?(Hate them,too, don't get me wrong)
What about the Beatles?
Or the characters from Scooby Doo?
As to the scary thing - Every year each department at my job picks a theme and we compete. For the sake of saving money (and due to my still recovering body image) I suggested a graveyard theme. We could have tombstones above our desks and dress as corpses in all black. But nooooo...they want to do movie characters with stars on the floor and posters above our desks.
So to steal your thunder...any ideas for me??
By the way, great title.
ew, frank. all of your ideas make me carsick.
nora - i GUESS you could steal my eileen idea.. she was really pretty.
Thanks for the ideas!
Lisette, I had a feeling you'd break your apparent vow of silence on the blog to knock down my ideas. Also, I remember you being enthusiastic about the Eileen Wournous idea last summer, but I gotta say, I'm surprised Evie's actually onboard with Selby. PS, are Mike and Alex going to be Innes Delmar and Jack Twist?
And we wouldn't be Save by the Bell as a group; Mel would be Kelly on her own.
We loved the following:
-The Golden Girls
-Facts of Life girls
-caricatures of each other
-White Trash America, aka Maureen's ideas.
Send more our way!
Oh yeah, and Mary, your point about Candy Land was well-taken.
Lose-tte, Why don't you dress up as a tall glass of "shut the hell up."
Oh and I also forgot to say that Mom, we also really liked your idea for characters in Clue.
Frank- not a bad idea.
Yeah, can be pretty darn rude on this blog...all big and tough behind the keyboard.
Don't ever stop, cracks me the hell up!
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