Friday, October 05, 2007

Charlie's First Native American Summer

I just can't resist sharing. He loved the swing so much! But can someone else please share photos besides Nora and me (Mo, Annie, Cathy)? I'm beginning to get self-conscious.


Anonymous said...

Nice ears, Catherine.

I miss my boyfriend.

KBB said...

Native American Summer; you need to move from NY :)

Do NOT feel self-conscious about these pictures...I LOVE every single one of them - they make my day!

But I agree; pics from others would be really, really nice.

And Charles is so darn GOD I miss him!

storminomahoney said...

Mary, I second that vote. I have no intention of holding back on Maggie pics, but I am very much missing pics f my other nephews. Please join in, ladies...and Frank. (Let's be honest, he's the only Dad who visits this site.)

And BTW, adorable.

Mars said...

Ha! Chad, you've been had by Norma. It's like I told him last night: "You've gone to the other side. You're one of them now." No posts, no comments, no joke.

Mars said...
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Shmalzy said...

Clare, couldn't agree more. In all respects.

Mary, don't feel self conscious; between you and Nora I have a new desktop background every week. Get with it, other sibling parents.

Lisette said...

does anyone else ever want to grab babies' feet when they see them?

KBB said...

And smooch their cheeks and kiss their necks.