In West Hartford, weekend before last, Martha, Aloise and I went shopping for Martha's wedding dress. It was a beautiful Indian Summer day; everyone out for a stroll. And as the 3 of us walked in search for a place to have lunch, Aloise remarked on an elderly couple ahead of us, holding hands. "Look!", she said, "They're holding hands!" And then, "I love seeing that, it always makes me so happy when I see older couples holding hands. I'm going to be happy all day because of that".
I don't think anyone would disagree; there's just something magical about seeing an elderly couple, strolling along, holding hands.
This afternoon I was going through my closet in an attempt to empty it of clothes and things I don't wear or need anymore - including a plethora of purses. Emptying out the purses, I found all sorts of goodies, including 28 packets of Splenda, pens, nail filers, lip glosses, odds and ends...and a folded piece of paper. Peeking from the top of the page, I saw the word "Dad" in my handwriting and was intrigued. It was an email sent to all of you on July 23, 2000, from the Nantucket Shoals. I had written on the top, "From Dad, in case some of you haven't seen it". I have no recollection of why I had this email in my purse, although I remember it quite well.
Subject: To all of you beautiful girls and boys.
I was just looking at a family photo. As I looked at each of you I realized how right I am to be proud of all of you. Everyone of you has his heart in the right place. I will remember this when I get down. It was all so worth it!!!
For those of you who know the whereabouts of wayward son #1, see that he gets this.
All my love,
An elderly couple holding hands; that image, along with Aloise's comment, immediately entered my mind as I read Dad's words. I don't know why the two go together, but they do.
St. Paul told us: Where your heart is, there you will find your treasure.
There's just something about love....
Man, Mom! Some of us are at work here! Could you give a girl some warning when she is going to read something that is going to get her teary eyed?
Other that that, you made my day.
Seriously Mom! Love you all so much.
What a great way to start of the October blog entries.
perfect label.
Inspiring blog.....but we are the lucky ones.
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