Friday, October 05, 2007

She's off to work

This was Lisette on her way to her first Grown-up job interview for her first Grown-up job.
She's going to be leaving me soon....all prepped and refined...for a Job somewhere out there.
(She's had offers, but has been using her discretionary instincts and skills while evaluating the pros and the finally settling between two options.)
But this isn't about Lisette and her job options. This is about Lisette and the time we two have had together while she's been "looking-for-a-job-and-basically-hanging-out-in-between-times".
I'ts been fun having you around, Lisette. I've enjoyed the all the talks, the veggie-burgers, the Beach Boy ring tone of your cell, discussing your future plans, your new clean room ( ok, Aloise, your turn to comment here), the baby-sitting we've shared, your valuable presence with Martha and her prospective caterers in the back yard, your ups and downs, our shared meals....and so much more. (OMG...this sounds like a year book commentary!!)
But it's off to work in the real world for you, my girl. For at least a while, it'll be Brent, you, Dad and me....and then you'll be gone for most of the day. I AM going to miss you, my cute and crazy full-time housemate.


Mars said...

Nice pumps.

Maureen said...

She looks so much like Aunt Maureen,right?

Shmalzy said...

Am I going to be sleeping in a cupboard under the stairs? Is that what it's going to come to??

And nice outfit, Brucie.