Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Poppi

He wasn't "Poppi" yet, but here you see him practicing for that future role.

Why these particular photos?  Because I remember this particular evening like it was yesterday - remember how much fun Dad had with Maureen and Clare, (baby Cy was fast asleep, like the almost perfect baby he was from day one), the three of them chatting and playing with such delight.
(Charlie, take note: Once upon a time, Poppi had dark hair and sported facial hair!)

Happy Birthday, Cy, there in the middle of the Atlantic.  Wish you were here with us. 



storminomahoney said...

These are great!

Mars said...

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Brent looks SO much like you. Take off the goat and change your hair to blond and it's Brent!

storminomahoney said...

OMG you're right!

Maureen said...

Happy birthday,dad. I was thinking of you all day Friday.
I love you so much....miss you. Love these handsome pics,mom!!!