Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Recommendation: "Cultivating Home"

A blog I'm enjoying: Cultivating Home

You would think that when the first entry I saw and read was called "How to Butcher a Chicken," my attraction to this blog might be because it's written by a wood-stove tending, redhead, mother of five towheads, who loves to write and lives a simple and frugal life with her husband, in an old house on a farm in upstate New York.

In fact it was the pretty pictures, and even prettier attitude towards children who are blessings and joys, never burdens. And family as ordered by God.

I'd say the primary theme is submission. Really very refreshing.


p.s. This blog is the latest that has me seriously considering homeschooling our kids. (Frank's always been on that bandwagon.)


storminomahoney said...

Ann, it's so refreshing to hear you say that. I've been seriously looking into homeschooling too. I had it in my thoughts, and (as surprisingly often happens) I opened my Parents Magazine and they had an article on it. Families who chose it or fell into it for reasons of religion, or lack of good schools, or a child who excells and needs special attention. And these families were vastly different, but told stories that made the idea very enticing (without ever glossing over how much work goes into it).

I will check this out.

Mars said...

OK wasting time at work looking at this blog. Love it.

Mars said...

And doesn't her other blog, Cultivating This Old House make you jealous?

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Annie. I just finished watching the presidential debates and my heart just hurts in a way I can't really explain.

I want to dive into these pictures and remember what it REAL. What is real is so very exciting and such a balm for a aching heart. Thanks.

Maureen said...

I've finally checked this blog out and find it very refreshing as well. Thx Ann. And I think you would do very well homeschooling if that's what you decide to do. More patience than I could ever have!

KBB said...

Clare -
I missed the whole debate thing last night. You can imagine that nothing going on the world has had any impact or made any difference to me in the last few days.
But I did have to smile last night as I drove home from the Smith's.

Why? Because I imagined Maureen causing holy hell and doing everything in her power to cast graces all over the land to purify hearts and de-bunk Obama.

Between Maureen and Lita? Miracles Do happen!

storminomahoney said...

This blog is amazing! Her pictures are stunning and I feel a small catch in my throat as I act as a little fly on the wall of this obviously loving home.

storminomahoney said...

OK, so I still love it...and I feel a bit like Mom saying this...but could she stop saying "kiddo"?? I thought it was a cute way to refer to her child, until I realized it was practically the only way she refers to any child. Give me patience :)