Thursday, October 09, 2008

Ciao Mullet



storminomahoney said...

I love these.

Anonymous said...

Just when I thought he couldn't be cuter. (Chad, I am talking about Charlie.)

Annie said...

A baby and a boy all at once.

Lisette said...

not a girl, not yet a woman


KBB said...

A true life marker, that first haircut.

And don't Charlie's expressions, throughout, capture this so well?

That last pic? Reminds me of Cali hiding under the desk after I had her shaved.

That's OK Charlie. Daaaaday won't adopt moustaches for his wardrobe and that breeze you're feeling on the back of your neck? You'll get used to that in no time.


Annie said...

Go back and look at all of Chuck's pictures. SOOO cute to see it lead up to this.

Maureen said...

About time!! So adorable, and the expressions are priceless!