Saturday, October 04, 2008

Lovely Day

This week Kate and I (along with friends and fellow teachers, Fernando and Paul) brought our new crop upstate and let them tear up the countryside on our annual freshman field day. Along for the ride were 25 handpicked upperclassmen who led groups of freshmen through the day's various activities and games.

This is one of my favorite days of the school year! It really is such a pleasure to watch these boys grow up into fine young men with a keen sense of responsibility and fraternity. And they are pretty damn funny too.

Jorge and the twins help lead.

Leaving the Upper West Side.

Here is a brief excerpt from a slide show I made for the boys.


KBB said...

That's a really nice slideshow, Clare.
And thanks for the pictures. I always enjoy seeing your boys, no matter what the occasion.

Frank said...

Fantastic pics, Clare. And can I tell you how much I LOVE Bill Withers? Great soundtrack.


Lisette said...

oh god, i can't get that song out of my head it's making me carrr sickkkkkkkkkk