Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama on Redistributing Wealth: It's a Given

We are so ignorant about political basics, that this could be regarded as anything but scandalous.


Maureen said...

Sickening!! Don't bother working hard for your own money...Obama will just give it to someone else!!

Anonymous said...

I just threw up in my mouth.

Mars said...

Wowee wow, do all of Obama's blind faith supporters even know this about him? I bet not.

Frank said...

Very good article here on this interview at:

It itemizes all of the unbelievable spin and defenses of this interview in the MSM and says,

"In all these cases, one is left with the impression his is merely a meandering historical argument of refined legal theory, using highly specified language that does not mean what it sounds like. Normal people like Joe the Plumber cannot possibly comprehend it. However, all these media reports distort the facts and leave a false impression that covers up the explosive revelation contained in his own words: Barack Obama believes the Constitution embodies a “fundamental flaw” in the fabric of America “that continues to this day,” has pined for “economic justice” for at least a decade, seeks political power to implement “wealth redistribution” with the aid of Congress, implies the Supreme Court should “break free” from the “constraints” of the Founders, believes public financing of abortion is an “important” aspect of the struggle, and has promised an “activist” Executive Branch to enforce his socialistic vision.