Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Winter Ball

The timing never seems right to bring these things up, what with everyone's lives so busy, but this is a fun thing to think about. I wanted to put out there to have a Winter Ball after Christmas, instead of a fancy Christmas party!?
Most of you know that Dad and I right away wanted to make a cocktail party be an annual event after last years'... nothing to do with anniversary tho. I was thinking with all that goes on btwn now and Christmas, it might be fun to break up January's doldrums and look forward to a party then. Only if dad's home still,then, and will be more potluck and not catered. But let me know what you think. I just had so much fun last year and so did all the guests. And this year everyone can invite their few friends if they like.
Just think about it and would love to hear your thoughts. Who doesn't want to dress up and drink,right??


Lisette said...

i'm in i'm in!

Maureen said...


Mars said...

I love the idea! And I would love to help cook.

storminomahoney said...

Ditto, Mars. And it will be way easier for Sean to get off work in January (maybe I can talk him into whipping something up too). I may do a regular dish too, but count me in for a dessert or two.

Shmalzy said...

January blows. I'm in!

KBB said...

I love the idea of a Winter Ball ! but should give a head's up that Dad's January schedule is a little unsettled right now ( which is why I hesitated to comment earlier). Even so, a Winter Ball without Dad (or Maureen) is not out of the question. So let's tackle one thing at a time: when I know more about Dad, we'll take it from there.