Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Day of Infamy



Maureen said...

At least I thought McCain's concession speech was honorable and beautiful. But whatr you gonna do? So sad though......how poorly this country has chosen

Mars said...

Mojo, nice photo!

Mars said...

This morning we were listening to the news and part of someone's speech was "... Barack Obama!" And suddenly I hear Charlie say, "Barack Obama!"

What? I say to him. Then he looks at me with, no kidding, a devilish smile and repeats (through his pacifier no less) "Barack Obama!"

And doesn't a baby's innocent, ignorant support of this man represent probably a good portion of his supporters around the world: His name is nice and easy to say (his face nice, his words easy). So... Barack Obama!!!

Shmalzy said...

There was chalk writing for Obama all over my campus, as usual, and it was making me gag a little. Then I saw on the side of the Student Union someone had written, "BARACK MY WORLD" and I choked back some more vomit. I'd love to go home right about now...or to Europe...or Fiji...or the Indian Ocean...just...not here.

Mars said...

I don't think you'd find refuge in Europe right now.

KBB said...


OMG did I laugh!

BARACK MY WORLD? (Poor you, Aloise.)


storminomahoney said...

Just watched a little news clip of several nations cheering the United Sates on for electing the right man. Within the span of 5 minutes he was called a savior, a welcome change, and one who could finally usher in peace.

What peace...and at what cost.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, Nora.

Let's say real prayers for him.