Friday, November 14, 2008

Love Bites

I feel like I'm back to my Hanson years.. pining over a young male I've never met. Hoping he's thinking of me too... day-dreaming of us together, running through open fields, hand-in-hand. Sigh, young love.

The difference this time, is that I'm 23 and the boy is a fictional vampire. Life just isn't fair!

It's a problem, guys. I'm obsessed with the "Twilight" series. And I'm not alone. Hoards of tween girls are reading the books and getting ready to see the movie that comes out IN-JUST-SEVEN-DAYS. How can we resist? It's got romance, battles, danger, vampires, wearwolves, a young heroine that I would give ANYTHING to be, and a heart-stopping, dreamboat: Edward Cullen. I read the first two books in 4 days.. that's a thousand pages. I'm on the third. It's sitting on my desk, just staring at me, but I'm doing everything in my power to hold off. Once I read this one, there is only one more left.. that's it. Then it's done. Forever.

It doesn't help that the movie is coming out and the actor playing Edward Cullen is British and gorrrrrgeeeeouuuussssss. How did I do this when I was 12?? How did I get past the longing, the day dreaming, THE OBSESSION?? When I'm not reading the books, I'm googling them.. looking up the author, the actors, the pictures, ANYTHING I CAN GET MY HANDS ON! It's sick, sick, sick.

Anyway.. for those of you that have too much time of your hands, like moi, I'd suggest reading them. They're the new "Harry Potter." Also.. I might suggest listening to Def Leppard's "Love Bites" while reading. I've always been partial to this song, but "Twilight" gives it a whole different meaning..


Mars said...

You're a sick woman. The Def Leopard reference almost saved you. But no.

On an unrelated note, I've been meaning to get Mike's email address from you. Can you send it to me?

Maureen said...

Very deranged yet charmingly hilarious.
My nieces are all about this series. Maybe I'll have to finally check it out

And I thought I was a fast reader,jeez! Loser

Lisette said...

if you are trying to flirt with him via email, that's cool with me.. i have another bohunk on the brain

KBB said...


storminomahoney said...

I have not read the books, but as most of you know, I'm interested in just about anything vampire related so I am curious to see how this author paints them. Call me retarded and hopeless, but I think it's interesting how every author and screenwriter has a different take on the mythology, starting with the original Dracula by Bram Stoker (not a very facinating read).

I hope I heard wrong, Smelly, but I've read some not so great reviews of the 3rd installment. The reviews said that the first two were fantastic, but that the 3rd loses something.

Maybe they're just stupid.

I wasn't sure if I was silly for wanting to read them, but I guess your review says it all.

storminomahoney said...

Oh, and nice photo-shopping.

Annie said...

Sounds like a wonderfully guilty pleasure.

Lisette, you're a grossy.

Mars said...

Your Girlfriend


Sent: Sat 11/15/08 10:00 AM


Hey, Mike. How are you? I'm wondering if you've seen this:

Mmm-bop, ba dooby dop bop ooh op, dooby dop bop, ooh op, ba dooby dob bop oooh.

Mars said...

Lisette, if you marry Mike you'll be Mrs. Dyer. Will you suck on star mints all day?

storminomahoney said...

Mrs. Dyer, HA!!

Spamrod said...

Lisette, you are the first sister of mine who has actually creeped me out. The guy in the picture seems a bit pasty for you - I thought you were a surfer.

Shmalzy said...


Mrs. Dyer it is.

You should all know that I was home the other night and at dinner Lisette was sighing every so often and when I asked, yes, she was thinking about Twilight.

Martha said...

Did anyone else think that Mrs. Dyer sort of looked like a muppet? She had a muppet type nose and that muppet type skin. I could probably stare at her all day. Or at least keep looking back.