Friday, November 07, 2008

No Witty Title

OK, So I wanted to avoid yet another Maggie post and instead, email this to you all. However, the file size is too large for my free status on Yahoo. So here is a video of her reading progress. Her new pediatrician looked at me like I had three heads when I said she could read. "Oh, you mean flash cards w/ pictures." When I said no, she clearly thought I was imagining it. I know it's a bick quick and jumpy, but it's difficult to film her while doing the cards. I swear, she asks for her cards all day. I almost never initiate it. We call it Word Games since that's the phrase on the videos. Next time I guess I'll try to do it when Sean's around. Miss you all.


Annie said...

What a little smarty pants!!!!!

KBB said...

Love the reading and her voice is so cute...a little lady. and it's so fun watching her run around.

Now it's timeto introduce:
"I love Ma and Poppie"... in that order :)

KBB said...

Love the reading and her voice is so cute...a little lady. and it's so fun watching her run around.

Now it's timeto introduce:
"I love Ma and Poppie"... in that order :)

Maureen said...

So cool to watch her, and I love her voice too! Very impressed with you Nora and these cards you do with her