I must report that Miss Catherine now poops on the potty and only on the potty. She lets me know when she has to go and she does her business and is done with it. The bird won't have it any other way. Being toilet enlightened, would you continue to go in your pants?
Oh, and when she's done she reaches for the toilet paper. Every time.
This little girl has some personality.
Catherine, Maggie and I will have to visit you right away so you can explain this to her.
Let's see if we can come up with some nicknames for young C. Simone. How about Scoopy on the Poopy?
hahahahahahahahaha ohh this makes me laugh
Excellent picture.
Yes or No: this will be the first embarrasing picture you'll pull out to show Catherine's first boyfriend, thinking it's "cute."
Really, it's her taking a crap.
Hi bird! Remember, you did it here first, at Ma and Poopi's. I mean Poppi's.
Catherine, you are so screwed. Even if your mother and father don't dig this up in the future, I wouldn't trust that older brother of yours for a minute.
You can tell in her expression that she already knows. Like, really mom? Can a baby get some privacy...?
And, the part about the TP was brand new all over again today. Catherine, this is a Simone moment.
ha larious.
You should try to let go of her. Really test out those reflexes.
I knew was due soon, especially after her Good Friday performance!
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