This sweet, handsome boy turns 30 on Sunday, October 11th! To celebrate, I am throwing a party here that day at 2pm. It is Columbus Day weekend.
There will be badminton, bocci, and other games, a couple kegs of good fall ale, cider, mulled wine, and lots of good eats (Thanks Italian mother in law!) The barn will be opened and there will be a bonfire early evening (Thanks mother and father and your logs? eh? eh?)
I hope you all can come. Kiddies are of course welcome, and desired greatly.
Locals, if by then you have mums or other fally decorations, chairs, tables, or tablecloths, feel free to let me borrow them! Catherine, may I use the heating lamps from Cheesecake for the deck (ie, the Italian oldies who will sit and drink coffee?) Also, if anyone wants to bring a platter, dessert, or appetizer, I would be grateful.
I am so excited to do this for Chad. He works so hard, and loves his family and friends like no one I have ever met.
Hope to see you there!
What a handsome devil! I'll be there, duh, and I'll make something yummy as well. I'm trying to get Mom to dig up Granny's apple sauce recipe.
Yay, this will be fun!
Have mercy. Granny's A Sauce. We'll be there for that!
And will bring either an apple crumble with ice cream and/or a risotto dish depending on what you need after all the votes are in.
Risotto, plez! It's my faaaaaaaavorite.
Chad Be handsome.
I hope we can be there. I would love to be there. But you know, we have to see how things are going. But if we're there, and I hope we are, then count me in for some cooking or baking. You'll tell me what you need.
1st, Chad, you look so handsome here.
2nd, while you're at it, Lisette, get the zuccini bread recipe too, I want both!
3rd, Sean and I are really looking forward to this. We are leaving Maggie with my lovely Mother-In-Law so we can have a free night, so that should be nice.
4th, Mars, although I'm choosing to be child-free, but I know you can't. If you all decide to come and you need some help with the little ones, please let me know. I waould like to facilitate the Buri's being there.
Thanks, Norm!
What a cutie, that Chad Allegro!
While Dad and I will be away that weekend for my family reunion at Tocacielos, you out-of-towners are MORE than welcome to crash here. If need be, our bedroom will be free for anyone who needs it.
As to the Zucchini bread recipe: I don't have it and searched ALL over the place for something similar last year to no avail. There are recipes for zucchini bread but they don't match Granny's. So good luck with that.
Don't know when Dad and I will be coming home but if it's on Sunday we'll stop by to add our congratulations.
Chad's sooo handsome!
Definitely we'll be there,silly. Probably have kids till bonfire and ship em to Auntie Laurie"s for evening.
Very excited for this, and granny's applesauce!!!
Also, Mary, glad to help with wee ones, although I have a sneaky suspicion they'll be fought over by all...:)
Martha: make sure you check if it's legal to have a bonfire. I know it isn't in Somers....
Is it formal attire? Should I wear my tuxedo tee shirt?
I realllly want to go, I'm trying to get the day off work! I love a fall party.
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