No Uncle Mark....I can't stay here forever!

That's right. Braces just came off and only I get the caramel apple.

What kids? Who?

This is a GROSS hat that Mark has. Hit of the week.

Not an hour there, and already fighting over scooters(well, not really)

We bad adults let Andrew and Jill split their first beer. Jill is precious, Andrew's trying to look cool, but they both said they hated it, tasted gross to them. Well, GOOD!

As if she isn't too pretty for this, Jill showing us how she imitates 17 yr old boy across the st.

Eeeewww! Gross hat again! But he's so graying on sides it could be mistaken for his own hair,right?

"Mom, I'm not waiting for valet parking. Take a picture of me now!

Where Mark wants a son in Luke(or any of them)Jim completely has been in love with his pretend daughter Jill.
Phew! I was going through withdrawl on pictures, Mojo, I was going to correct Annie's last comment, but thankfully you redeemed yourself :)
Yes, I r-e-a-l-l-y like pictures :)
Willie looks so much like you Maureen. When he smiles for pictures especially. Right?
Love the pictures ; )
I loved both posts of picutres! What a nice summer treat.
Enjoyed the extra pictures and comments. The success of your vacation came through in spades!
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