You'll be shocked as just how wrong everything is that we eat. Only, then you'll keep researching it like I've been doing for the past many months, and then you'll be thrilled that things like (grass-fed) saturated fat and cholesterol are so good for you. And you'll throw away all your low-fat "milk", and shake your head at how many egg yolks you threw away.
And finally, you too will want to raise goats.
P.S. I can't wait to get my hands on some lard from grass-fed pigs! At least I have a couple pounds of grass-fed tallow (beef fat) waiting for me in the meantime -- tallow-fried potatoes are supposed to be out of this world, and GOOD FOR YOU?! Who knew??
I'll betcha Fred & Louise knew. That's who.
Sorry, girl. No such a thing as "grass-fed Pork." Corn, potatoes, garbage, yah. Not Grass.
Alright - garbage fed, but not penned up pig lard - yes?? I'll take it!
grass-fed pork??? YUM!!!!! SERVE ME UP A PLATE!
Looking forward to reading this book, but sorry,Ann. Nothing would make me want to raise goats.
Or any livestock for that matter!
haha! me neither Mojo.
But you can have some of our milk all the same : )
Ann, I have this being sent to my library for me to pick up; I'n very curious. Have you been to ninaplanck.com?
Uncle Fred taught me how to milk goats.
KBB - I'll see you at 7am then.
Storm - no haven't visited that site yet! hope you like the book : )
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