Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Star of the show!

My Flip was used to film Luca, as ring bearer, coming down the aisle (and it was a long aisle) for Frank's cousin's wedding last Saturday. And now that the wheels on his walker are correctly placed, Luca needed no help to complete his task:


The Captain said...

Oh you handsome man, Luca!!

I miss you tooooooooons.


KBB said...

Do you think anyone was watching the flower girl?
Oh dear...

KBB said...

No, you aren't seeing things; I switched pictures - l like this one of Frank better. :)

KBB said...
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Lisette said...

This boy kills me.

Gramuglias, where have you been all my life? What happened to your frequent Sunday visits? I'm going through withdrawal. WITHDRAWALS, I TELL YOU!

Need a babysitter some time soon?

Annie said...
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Annie said...

Luca did such a great job!! I have a few more pictures to post.

"Need a babysitter some time soon?" -- Let me think long and hard about that one...

storminomahoney said...

Oh, Luca, you are gettign so big!. What a handsom boy :)

Maureen said...

This made me cry.
I'm so proud of you,Luca!
Can't wait to see you!

The Captain said...


I still say the Hail Holy every night for you. Sometimes I forget other things, but THAT I never forget. Do you still pray for me? I hope so, because I count on it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, someone looks a whole lot like Frank.

(Hint, 3rd pink girl in.)

Anonymous said...

Wow, someone looks a whole lot like Frank.

(Hint, 3rd pink girl in.)

Martha said...

Mom, my computer won't let me watch this. Will you email it to me? Thanks!

KBB said...

I sent from youtube page.
Tell me if you rec'd it.