Tuesday, September 27, 2011

History lessons

History is a symphony of echoes heard and unheard. It is a poem with events as verses. ~Charles Angoff

[History is] the story of the magnificent rear-guard action fought during several thousand years by dogma against curiosity. ~Robert S. Lynd

History maketh a young man to be old, without either wrinkles or gray hairs; priviledging him with the experience of age, without either the infirmities or inconveniences thereof. ~Thomas Fuller

History is the action and reaction of these two, nature and thought - two boys pushing each other on the curbstone of the pavement. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life: Fate

And sometimes history is just a big ass pumpkin ~ me, this post

How did he know this was going to be a pumpkin for the ages? Does he have a ton of B-roll footage of other pumpkins that didn’t break the record??

Seriously, though, congrats to this guy (from Broadbrook!). Great job.


Shmalzy said...

"Gourdgeous!" - Davo

Anonymous said...

I tried to watch this video, but it grossed me out for some reason.

But, go Broadbrook, go!

Lisette said...

OMG it grossed me out too! Like made me want to vomit!