Friday, January 12, 2018

Fr. Barron's Daily Reflections

I subscribe to Fr. Barron's daily gospel reflections. And I am the worst about skipping over them. Which is really the worst. Because his summation is two or three short paragraphs that profoundly effect my day. But first it usually brings me a quick bout of tears (thanks, Dad). Below is from today's. Do you see what I mean?

One of the most fundamental statements of faith is this: your life is not about you. You’re not in control. This is not your project. Rather, you are part of God’s great design. To believe this in your bones and to act accordingly is to have faith. When we operate out of this transformed vision, amazing things can happen, for we have surrendered to "a power already at work in us that can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine." Even a tiny bit of faith makes an extraordinary difference.

Also this. 2018 marks the 50th year anniversary of Humanae Vitae.

1 comment:

KBB said...

I'm so glad you posted this, Mary. I also subscribe to Bishop Barron's Daily Reflections and like you, am deeply impressed by what he writes.
This video is so important. Dad and I just listened to it.
Again, thank you for posting this; we need constant reminders of where we come from.