Friday, October 05, 2007

for my Kris Kringle

I want another biscuit.


Annie said...

So I see two more teeth pushing their way out on the bottom?

His looks are changing so much... he looks like a little boy.

Maureen said...

He really does look like a bigger boy,now, so sad that he's losing that baby face already.
What cute pics!

Shmalzy said...


is picture number 3 serious?

Mars said...

He's getting so big! He's currently obsessed with pulling up to stand at absolutely every opportunity. Yesterday we met a couple of babies in the park, and when the 8 month old's back was turned, he leaned over and tried to stand up using the baby.

Annie said...

I was going to get a book called "Shy Charles" for him.

Guess I'll leave that one on the shelf.

Anyway, he'll obviously get up and get it if he wants it.

storminomahoney said...

Hey! He has hair!

Shmalzy said...

hahahaha Nora I said the same thing!

KBB said...

After drooling over these pictures, my first thought was of a memory: that this blue big reminded me of the yellow one I had for Brent.
And then I went back to drooling...

KBB said...

Charles has Granner's ears!

Shmalzy said...

Does anyone else see Luke in that past picture??