I just wanted to reassure all of you that the incident of the mismatched shoes was not my last "BRENT" experience. I recently did something that Sean labeled a definite "TM" moment.
I left my office 2 Saturdays ago and flipped open my phone to call Sean. The call went directly to voice mail which generally means that Sean and the baby are napping. I smile, grateful that he is getting some rest. I then proceed to leave the following message.
"He Sean, I'm leaving work now; glad she let you sleep. I'm on my way to the mall to drop off your phone, but I should be home soon. Love you."
Without connecting the dots I go to Verizon and stand around for 10 minutes waiting for service. When my name is called I turn the phone on and explain to the guy behind the counter what the problem is. He assures me they can take care of it and that I can pick it up in an hour. I know I will have to wait until the next day to get it, but I thank him and walk away.
I then open my phone and again dial Sean's number...
The phone rings a bunch before going to the machine, so I figure he is up, but can't answer...because he is feeding Maggie or maybe changing her...so I leave another message...seriously. I assure him that I have dropped off his phone, and that I am on my way, and to try to hold off on feeding her until I get home if he hasn't done so already, so we can save the bottle.
When I get home, he is in the kitchen and I ask, "Where is she?" When he says she is sleeping, I ask, "Well did you just wake up? When I called before I figured you were taking a nap." He just looks at me blankly. I stare back for a second. He asks, incredulously, "You did drop my phone off at the mall, right?" I reply, "Yeah, so?" His reply??? "You're an ass!"
It took that long for me to realize that Sean can't answer the phone I was calling, because it was in my hands.
And the salt to the open wound...the thunderous laugh that comes from the living room as he is checking his messages the next day!
As if this wasn't funny enough, that last part is the best. TM (too much).
This is a great story to tell over a licked bottle of wine.
Just for clarification, Mars, that's not what Sean meant by TM!
Laughing out loud over here!!!(and I need to get back in there to watch the SOX...had to check the Blog,though!TOTALLY worth it.
Norm, I know. Thanks for shoving the knife in further.
Maureen, didn't you hear the TM story? Cyrus told it over dinner...
at my wedding.
You don't know about TM? Holy Cow!
So, what did Sean mean by TM?
You should write more like these.
We KNOW there are more....ha ha ha!
Oh and I forgot, #^%$# you Clare :)
hahahaha, I think my favorite part might be Sean's reply.
And Maureen...GOOD GAME LAST NIGHT, EH!? :-D
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