Sunday, November 09, 2008

Poppie's Find

I'm in deep doo-doo!!!  I just found the attached stowaway.  She appears to be in good condition, but the authorities or going to get me big time.  She was found in a strange metrosexual-looking handbag.  You're the only one I can turn to in this dire situation.  I've thought about just packaging her up and putting her in my suitcase when I leave, but that would require cutting breathing holes in my only good luggage.  At present she is sleeping
soundly.  I gave her a strong shot of bourbon and that may have something to do with her sedated appearance.  I reeeeealy want to take her home with me,but how??????  Would your husband  be OK with  your meeting the ship in
Houston on the 20th to confer on this matter?  With the council of the chief
mate, we have decided she is definitely of French extraction (perhaps a little Algonquin Indian mixed in) along with some Swedish or Danish.  How
she got to Africa is anyone's guess

Oh My, Oh My, I just feeeeeeel so strongly that the Good Lord has sent her to me, but how to proceed?  I anxiously await your council.  

Captain C. Brewster
Good Ship Mobile

PS:  Do you think her strange outfit holds a clue?

Received: from GCC at Globe Wireless


KBB said...

I rec'd this email this evening from Dad.
Had to publish it....

Maureen said...


Mars said...

I have no idea who that creature is.

But she does remind me of a little Burito I know. Just not so much with that outfit. What's with that?

Man, Dad, I love how you love this picture so much.

Annie said...

I'm with Dad - I can't look at this picture w/o laughing.

And hoping that when she's a little older she's the kind of kid who thinks adults are cool, instead of realizing she's cooler than them. Fingers crossed...

p.s. I'd love a hi res version for framing hint hint.

KBB said...

me too!! Can't print any flickr pics

Frank said...


A child matching this description was reported missing by a certain MC Escher. The artist is a nervous wreck and apparently has been pacing his staircases endlessly since losing her, never quite knowing if he's going up or down, left or right.

I told him to get some perspective.